A downloadable game

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In the far reaches of distal space, Union's Battlegroup Comet has been stranded by a devastating attack which destroyed the local blink gate - their connection to the rest of Union and their only way home.

Now forced to fight a desperate holdout action against the attacking Aunic Ascendancy, a small group of elite mech pilots have been tasked with recovering a VIP captured by Aunic special forces. Together, the Lancers must descend to the volcanic hellworld Isolo, and fight their way into an ancient religious site now repurposed as a secure military facility.

An introductory Lancer RPG mission for 3-5 players, designed to be completed in two or three sessions. Includes sample maps for each combat which can be dropped straight into your VTT of choice.



  • Cover image by G Force
  • Playtesting: Ashley! Ashley! Ashley!, Ben S., Ciri, G Force, Gyrtop, Holly C., Miscatonic, Sam C., Zac S.

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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Cathedral of the Deadstar.pdf 1.6 MB
cathedral-of-the-deadstar-maps.zip 83 kB


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Here is the Manifest URL to install the Cathedral of the Deadstar Foundry VTT module featuring nungunz' Hex maps as well as videos showing how to import the data from the Adventure Module and how to swap out the NPCs with the full Lancer LCP file.

This module is based on Foundry VTT Version 11 Stable 315 with no additional modules and the 2.2.0 version of the Lancer Game System.

Foundry VTT Manifest URL for installing the module: https://github.com/kylania/cathedral-of-the-deadstar/releases/download/0.6/modul...

Video how to install the module:

Video how to load the NPCs:


Here's a quick video showing how you can spice up the maps in Foundry VTT to add motion, sounds, lighting and more!


Greetings. I know you did this as a community member as a service, but just wanted to let you know it's no longer working. It's not compatible with V12 of Foundry. I tried installing it, and it said it only worked with the previous V11 of Foundry.


Thanks for the heads up!  It's a quick fix to make it run in v12, just change line 10 of the module.json to read:  "maximum": "12"

I'll test to make sure that's the only change that would be needed and update the file or I'll put up a v12 compatible version up as well if that's needed.


oh very nice! Glad it's so easy. Thanks for the update. 

(2 edits) (+2)

Hey Katherine! I put together a hex map for The Harrowing in Inkarnate.  Is this something that you had in mind?



This is fantastic, bang on for what I was going for. Great job putting this together!


No problem! The aspect ratio is a bit off for Foundry, but I was able to tweak the dimensions a bit. Inkarnate doesn't do hex very well natively as the way it handles column and row definitions on the back end don't compensate for how hexes don't really have an easy column/row definition.

Grid Size: 86

Dimensions: 3057x1890

Offset Background: -41 Horizontal, Vertical 1


Not sure if you updated the maps since this post, but with the ones I downloaded today these settings were just about perfect:

Both maps were 4096 x 2533

Foundry VTT v11 Hex Grid settings:

Hexagonal Rows - Odd

Grid Size 115

Background Image Offset x -52 y 7


Sorry, yes I made some updates that probably affected the scaling. Thank you for the double check!


I converted this adventure into a Foundry VTT module.  That way it can be imported into a new world and played with very little prep (still need to load, drag over and configure the NPCs from the Lancer core rulebook LCP of course but placeholders are included if you enjoy typing, a lot!).  

I used (and credited) the @nungunz maps as well as the included original map versions.  If it's OK with both of you, I'd be happy to share it.


This is fantastic! Happy for you to share :)


Go right ahead!


Katherine Stark is making more Lancer content? Day one buy.

It's a fun little run. It would be a great lead-in to Legionnaire's AH MUZEN CAB flashpoint once that Aunic Field Guide finally escapes Limbo. 

Good luck on the final stages of Shadow of the Wolf, too


Thank you so much! And good eye there - I wrote the original version of this mission for the very same campaign that inspired AH MUZEN CAB! Maybe one day we'll get the Field Guide...